When work means testing out some of the best new beauty buys it means there’s something you very rarely see in the Bath & Unwind office, and that’s a makeup-free face! We’re all very attached to our various BB creams, blushers and lipsticks, and – conducting a straw poll – particularly to our mascaras and eyeliner.

The Bath & Unwind office without makeup
The Bath & Unwind office doing their best BearFaced!

But today we’ve happily stowed our makeup bags at home, denuded our desk drawers of the usual primping paraphernalia and are making do with a splash of soap and water, plus a paw print!

Wondering why? To support Children in Need’s brilliant BearFaced campaign. By braving a makeup free day, and purchasing a Pudsey paw, money goes to support children’s charities here in the UK and abroad. Brilliant!

Here we are makeup free!

If you want to donate to Children in Need then pop to their website and find out about all the ways you can get involved.


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