That annoyingly skinny and perky girl from the gym showers with them. Those hip celebs ease the mind with them after a particularly deep Kabbalah/Scientology session. The carrot-cake eating, coffee-lunching Primrose Hill set bathe their children in them. I’m talking about organic and natural beauty products. These bad boys are no longer relegated to the realms of vegan die-hards and yoga gurus. Rather, they have crossed the divide, bridged the gap between slathering mashed banana…
“I can’t because I have sensitive skin” There are so many times I have heard and used this phrase throughout my life. The latest…
This week marked the 100 day countdown to Christmas. (Yes Santa, you better start wrapping up my presents!) And this brought me back down to Earth with a little bit of a bump – I was still holding out for our summer! Oh well, as the days are already starting to get shorter, I suppose I better store the bikinis away and dig out my fluffy hat and mittens. (Yes, I do wear a fluffy…