
Mother & Baby


We have all heard the phrase sensitive skin and there are many beauty products on the market specifically designed for sensitive skin. But what does it actually mean to have sensitive skin: Our skin barrier should keep things that irritate the skin way, acting like a shield. For this to work our skin must contain the correct amount of moisture. Our skin is exposed to UV light, temperature changes, chemicals and water. This can dry…

Guest post by Jennifer Gledhill, co-founder of Boo Boo. When we launched our Boo Boo skincare range, my friend Corinna and I had just had our second children. I was tearing my hair out because I couldn’t find a natural nappy cream that really worked. As a former beauty writer, I knew all about effective skincare ingredients and what I did and did not want to use. On my absolute no-no list is sodium lauryl…

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A problem with which other dog owners can sympathise – and certainly one that causes daily problems in our household – involves our 5-year-old…

Guest post by Nicola Elliott, founder and director of Neom. It seems I’m at that age (34) where every other friend of mine is either a new mummy or is pregnant. With four little baby boys being born within the Neom team in the past 12 months too, it’s no wonder I have been surrounded by talk of eco-friendly nappies, bedtime routines and how much ‘little’ sleep we’re all getting! (Yes, my two year old…

As far as present giving goes, my friends and family have come to accept that on birthdays and at Christmas they will most likely…